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- Path: news.demon.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!pigsty.demon.co.uk
- From: malcolm@pigsty.demon.co.uk (Malcolm McMahon)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.sci.time-travel,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien
- Subject: Re: How UFOS travel thru space ?
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 20:04:40 GMT
- Lines: 54
- Message-ID: <31c2f17c.33207792@news.demon.co.uk>
- References: <4ma9gu$8tb@info.abdn.ac.uk> <4msecr$c7l@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n06ho$gmu@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <conrad4-1105962343160001@dal25-29.ppp.iadfw.net> <4n7lf8$dvr@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <31BD644C.3803@goodnet.com> <31C035B6.719C@inforamp.net> <4pqnvb$jmj@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net> <4pt0ib$71b@relay.eunet.no>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:25691 alt.alien.visitors:87552 alt.paranet.abduct:5762 alt.paranet.ufo:53094 alt.sci.time-travel:5379 alt.ufo.reports:9283
- On Sat, 15 Jun 1996 00:37:56 GMT, johnerik.hove@login.eunet.no
- (John-Erik Hove) wrote:
- >Consult@worldnet.att.net wrote:
- >
- >> Within their ships they are able to create a force balance field
- >>which enables them to pass thru black holes with their ships
- >
- >Perhaps it would be somewhat better to travel through a wormhole?
- >I think much of the same forces could exist in a wormhole. The rip in
- >space (where space-time comes to an abrupt end) which could be the
- >entrance to a wormhole is (I think) similar to the singularity at the
- >heart of a black hole. If you travel through a wormole, you can travel
- >many light years in just a few hours. You go in to the wormhole at
- >one place in space, and a short time later you pop out of the wormhole
- >at another place, light years away from where you started.
- >Amazing. :-)
- >
- The notion is that wormholes may connect from black holes and that
- black holes with lots of spin may have routes in which are, at least
- in principal, survivable.
- First find your black hole though, and preferably one that leads
- somewhere you might want to go.
- In this context it seems fairly unlikely that a "white hole" could
- exist handy for ET to emerge in our neighbourhood and we wouldn't have
- noticed. If they exist they are probably quite spectacular affairs.
- A more credible route to FTL travel would be some kind of technology
- where the ship digs it's own temporary wormholes. Particle physicist
- aim to create, very locally, conditions similar to the early moments
- of the universe. Quark soup. Maybe with enough energy and a big enough
- accelerator you can drill your own black holes (quantum black holes
- are theorised to have formed shortly after the big bang).
- Even if you don't have FTL though there are ways to explore the
- universe. Self-reproducing robot ships can explore the galaxy with
- minimal initial expenditure in a remarkably short time. When these
- ships encounter intelligent life they could, perhaps, _manufacture_ a
- crew as hinted at in Rendezvous with Rama. Maybe they carry the
- engrams and the information equivalent to the DNA of the a number of
- organisms.
- When you consider all the possibilities it would be surprising and,
- perhaps, rather offensive if there wasn't an alien species or two
- keeping at least surrogate eyes on us.
- ---------------------------------+----------------------------------
- I was born weird: This terrible | Like Pavlov's dogs we are trained
- compulsion to behave normally is | to salivate at the sound of the
- the result of childhood trauma. | liberty bell.
- ---------------------------------+----------------------------------
- Malcolm